France’s new enemy: Google

When google decided to index some of the English world’s greatest libraries, I hardly expected it to cause waves in France. It turns out that I was wrong: “It appears that Jacques Chirac is thoroughly displeased with what he considers but the latest parry...

Lou Marinoff – Philosphical Practice

Lou does not mince his words in his book, and some of the entries are priceless. Early in the book, he bemoans the neglect of critical thinking taught by an oxymoronic, “postmodern education” system. In an example he writes of the mis-use of the word,...

Can AIG stay on top? – Knowledge@Wharton

My sense is that AIG is the subject of a witch hunt, and a board of directors that, in a post Enron world, is just a little trigger – happy. Article on AIG for Knowledge@Wharton For a very useful background & set of introductory links to Finite Risk...

A Physicist Experiments With Cultural Studies

I met Lou Marinoff at the World Economic Forum in New Delhi in 2004. I am now reading his book, “Philosophical Practice”. I am so enjoying it that I have been sifting through the notes for some of his sources. For whoever missed this the first time around,...

Mark Pincus on Sarbanes Oxley and corporate fraud

My friend Mark Pincus makes a very smart and sensible suggestion regarding corporate fraud: If a company has to restate its financial statements, then the executives have to regorge back to the company the profits from any stock sales that that time. The rule is not...

Linda Schiavo: Killing the disabled

I have taken this straight from Melanie Phillips diary. It is uncanny how her views conincide with mine – only that she expresses herself a lot better than I do. Melanie Phillips’s Diary: Killing the disabled She quotes Linda Chavez a hispanic author and...

The Arabs’ Berlin Wall has crumbled

Are we celebrating too soo, or are Bush’s policies starting to show real vindication on the ground? Telegraph | Opinion | The Arabs’ Berlin Wall has crumbled Who ever thought that the Middle East could be this exciting, or remarkable.

Syria – the latest thug on the scene in the middle east

Syria’s thuggery in the Middle East cannot be appeased, or allowed ot stand. International News Article | What a sign of remarkable change in the Middle East that an Arab news station is willing to go public to a Western news agency about the death...

Yahoo! News – Palestinians Angry Over Tel Aviv Attack

Now we find out if Abu Mazen is up to snuff, a break from Palestinians nihilistic path, and ally to the forces of civilization and freedom, or whether he’s just more of the same, but wrapped in a different wrapper. Yahoo! News – Palestinians Angry Over Tel...

Melanie Phillips’s Diary: The global warming scam – Eco –

I have no clue whether or not global warming is really taking place or not. But I resent that any scientist who does not come down on the “right”, or should I say, “left” side of the debate is considered questionable. Melanie Phillips’s...

lgf: Columbia Implodes!

My sense is that Columbia University don’t quite know what is about to hit them. Perhaps the President and the Provost should get in touch with Eason Jordan, or Dan Rather for a clue. lgf: Columbia Implodes! I wonder how long it takes for the website,...

Larry Summers – Professor Nancy Hopkins

Its stories like this one about Larry Summers at Harvard, that renew my faith that our civilization will not, “go to hell in a handbasket” Times Online – Sunday Times The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s brilliant scientist Steven Pinker...

Der Privat Investor – Guy Spier in German

For the last two years, on my annual pilgrimage to Omaha, I have participated in a meeting of German speaking Berkshire Hathaway investors. One of them, Max Otte decided to translate it into German and send it to his subscribers. For more about Max, and his site go...

Photo of Palestinian Boy Kindles Debate in France

It is becoming more and more apparent to the world’s media that it swallowed a big one – hook, line and sinker from “Pallywood” when it reported that Mohammed Al Dura was killed by the Israel military. It is pretty clear at this point that the...