Melanie Phillips’s Diary: The Iraq election

Melanie Phillips’s Diary: The Iraq election For the moment, they are routed. The grudging tones and surly looks of the anti-war camp, as they are obliged to comment through gritted teeth on the undiluted joy of the immensely brave and determined Iraqi people who...

Tom Friedman: The Geo-Green Alternative

This makes a lot of sense, and offers a smart and productive way for the democratic party to move forward. Especially in the light of this new book by Jared Diamond: Right now,...


Inshallah, this is the future of the Middel East. IRAQ THE MODEL How can I describe it!? Take my eyes and look through them my friends, you have supported the day of Iraq’s freedom and today, Iraqis have proven that they’re not going to disappoint their...

Melanie Phillips’s Diary: The Iraq election

This is right on: Melanie Phillips’s Diary: The Iraq election The Iraq election Salim Mansur gets the Iraq election right in the Toronto Sun. The Iraqis are displaying immense courage in pressing ahead with their election because they so desperately want to...

Marvel Enterprises – Ori Eyal

Ori Eyal did an internship at Aquamarine over the Christmas break. He is a student at the Chicago Graduate School of business and is an accomplished investor in his own right. He did a write up of Marvel Enterprises. Ori Eyal – Marvel Enterprises Stock Analysis...

If we lived in the UK, I’d become a British NeoCon

If we were living in the UK, I think that I would join the British NeoConservative movement. The Social Affairs Unit – Weblog: The Need for a British Neoconservatism Michael Howard may think he’ll pick up voters by demanding that the Prime Minster cut...

Updates from Aquamarine – January 2005

4th Quarter 2004 Reports now available for Aquamarine Fund Inc. and Aquamarine Value Fund L.P.
Ori Eyal does an internship at Aquamarine
Guy taught an introductory class on accounting to major New York law firm through the Dickie Group

Guy Spier – World Economic Forum 2004

In December, Guy traveled to Delhi for a Regional Summit of the World Economic Forum, followed by some company meetings in Mumbai. Guy Spier with Bill O’Chee and Elizabeth Padmore at the World Economic Forum

The Jewish Chronicle “Zoo Rabbi” accused of heresy

Rabbi Nosson Slifkin has been accused of heresy by a group of powerful Orthodox Rabbi’s for his writings on Torah and science. Zoo Torah – Judaism and the Animal Kingdom What I can’t believe is that they actually want to excommunicate him, and...

IDF ISRAEL – 2 Weeks in the Reserves

Check here for some photographs of Israeli/Palestinian interactions that you won’t see in the mainstream media IDF ISRAEL | Pictures, Info and Collectibles for sale

Brigitte Gabriel Interview

I am looking forward to watching this video. Brigitte Gabriel Interview Brigitte Gabriel, a Maronite Christian from Lebanon–a righteous Gentile if there ever was one–spoke for the Freeman Center about how she survived Palestinian terrorism in Israel and...

Dore Gold on why, for now, the UN is toast.

Dore Gold on why, for now, the UN is toast. – The U.N. at Work True, the U.N. is a huge complex of many sub-organizations — and it may be difficult to monitor everyone. But the U.N. has a duty today to clean up its act before it asks for the trust...