Guardian Unlimited | Guardian daily comment | The war’s silver lining
March 03, 2005

Wow. Even writers from the Guardian are starting to eat humble pie.
Guardian Unlimited Guardian daily comment The war’s silver lining

we ought to admit that the dark cloud of the Iraq war may
have carried a silver lining. We can still argue that the war was
wrong-headed, illegal, deceitful and too costly of human lives – and
that its most important gain, the removal of Saddam, could have been
achieved by other means. But we should be big enough to concede that it
could yet have at least one good outcome.
Second, we have to say that the call for freedom throughout the Arab
and Muslim world is a sound and just one – even if it is a Bush slogan
and arguably code for the installation of malleable regimes. Put
starkly, we cannot let ourselves fall into the trap of opposing
democracy in the Middle East simply because Bush and Blair are calling
for it. Sometimes your enemy’s enemy is not your friend.

I’m a Zurich based investor. Since 1997, I’ve managed a privately offered investment fund known as the Aquamarine Fund.

I am also the author of a book titled The Education of a Value Investor, which was published in 2014.

As I wrote in my book, we are all a work in progress. This site documents my ongoing quest for “wealth, wisdom and enlightenment”.

I have created a /now page – inspired by Derek Sivers

I’m a Zurich based investor. Since 1997, I’ve managed a privately offered investment fund known as the Aquamarine Fund.

I am also the author of a book titled The Education of a Value Investor, which was published in 2014.

As I wrote in my book, we are all a work in progress. This site documents my ongoing quest for “wealth, wisdom and enlightenment”.

I have created a /now page – inspired by Derek Sivers