Something good?

Maybe, just maybe something good is happening in the Middle East right now. Fatah is battling Hamas in the Gaza strip, and the Lebanese army is battling Fatah al Islam (terrorists) in Palestinian “refugee” camps in Lebanon. What is good about that? Well,...

Human Rights Watch goes after Walmart.

Yet more evidence that Ken Roth cares less about human rights abuses, and more about pursuing a political agenda. Wal-Mart Watch? – May 21, 2007 – The New York Sun During the Lebanon War last summer, Human Rights Watch took the position that Israel’s...

In memoriam – cartoon

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended. This email is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned,...

Charlie Munger is also getting better

I have been known to give out an audio recording of Charlie Munger giving a talk at the Harvard Law School on the psychology of human misjudgements. Well, this talk is an example of one of the points that Munger makes in the talk, namely that people who keep learning...

Creating trust

How to create trust? The core of this business is about creating trust – which, as we know, takes a lifetime to create, and can be lost in an instant. The following are some of the things that I do personally to increase my own trustworthiness. Speaking plainly...

In memoriam

In Memoriam Recently this week, UK removed The Holocaust from its school curriculum because it “offended” the Moslem population which claims it never occurred. This is a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how easily each country...

Obama invite

A friend recently invited me to an Obama fundraiser. After thanking him for the invite, I wrote this: Barack seems like a very smart guy with all the right qualities, who is going to leave Hillary battered an bruised, if not completely defeated. I have decided that I...

300 – From Thermopylae to Warner Brothers

Warner Bros 300 looks like a prequel to the videogame, and I’m not much into videogames. But, having read Victor Davis Hansen’s review, I went to watch it the other night. The movie explains so well, and in such simple terms the West’s battle with...

12 Rules of Survival

Deep Survival   The 12 Rules of Survival By Laurence Gonzales Nick Sleep introduced me to this book. It has very valuable applications for any endeavour, but especially for investing.

Breakfast is late, so business is good: Via Quadronno

I have to confess that I once belonged to the social tribe that hangs out at places like Via Quadronno and St. Ambroeus. For most of that period, I had a BMW motorcycle that I could easily park. Now that I have a wife, children and no motorcycle, it’s a little...

Financial Times: Long only is the new black

Maybe if enough people read this article, I will stop getting grief for not shorting enough… Two quotes that I really like: “99 per cent of shortsellers are incapable of doing it” And the following: And who are the long-only, or mostly long-only,...

The Art of Banking

Robert Kennedy College – January 29 – February 2, 2007 Guy Spier was a speaker at The Art of Banking course in Davos run by Professor David Costa, Dean of Robert Kennedy College. The following is an excerpt from the course description: The banking industry...

FT: Millionaire sues Citibank after funds go missing

Mr. Mikutta deposited a very large amount of wealth with Citibank, and one of its employees went to work for him. Rather than keep an eye on the new employer’s money, the former Citibank employee embezzeled Mikutta’s funds. Neither Citibank, nor Mikutta...