The Wisdom of Tom Murphy

Just study Tom Murphy and Don Keough. If you learned the lessons of Tom Murphy, you don’t need to learn any other lessons.

FT: Moonbat speech by UN official. Bolton enraged.

“I spoke with the secretary-general this morning and I said, ‘I have known you since 1989 and I’m telling you this is the worst mistake by a senior UN official that I’ve seen in that time’,” Mr Bolton said. / World / International economy – Bolton enraged...

Jerusalem Post: European support for the Palestinians crashes

Its about time…. Jerusalem Post | Exclusive: European support for Palestinians ‘crashes’ New public opinion surveys conducted among “opinion elites” in Europe show that support for the Palestinians has fallen precipitously, according to a...

Teheran Universities Erupt in Violence overnight

Maybe this is where the solution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions lie: Gateway Pundit: Tehran Universities Erupt in Violence Overnight! Gateway Pundit Observations of the World from the Heart of Jesusland!

FT – Israel cannot always rely on US helping hand

I was incensed to see this article appear in the Financial Times commentary page today. I will have to leave it to the likes of Alan Dershowitz and others to fully rebutt Tony Judt’s poison pen. I will take just one of his points. He writes: “Israel’s...

Psychology of economic progress

The futurist writes about the psychology of economic progress. His last sentence is that, ” this is a vast subject, on which more articles will follow” I look forward to reading them. As we...

West bank terrorist state

I never understood why Israel gets to keep some 1.2 million Arabs, while the Gaza strip and the West Bank have to be made Judenrein. While I think that a Jewish person (Israeli or not) would be crazy to want to live in a place that puts them in harms way (e.g. Hebron...

Common Sense on remittances

My hero, Victor Davis Hanson, complains that remittances to Mexico are a negative. This opinion column debunks that idea rather effectively. – Mexican Working Capital But foreign “remittances,” as these expat cash flows are called, are a...

Rumsfeld’s rules – Advice on government, business and life.

In spite of all the negativity surrounding Donald Rumsfeld, I have tremendous respect for the man. To me, he appears to be someone who is willing to be unpopular if it means doing what he believes to be right. Whenever I hear him speak, my gut reaction is positive....

China’s looming talent shortage – the McKinsey Quarterly

China’s economy is growing by leaps and bounds, and its labour market can’t keep up. With a huge supply of low-cost workers, mainland China has fast become the world’s manufacturing workshop, supplying everything from textiles to toys to computer...

Searing Inditement of Main Stream Media

Gates of Vienna is a great blog. This article lays out at least some of what I’ve been sensing for a long time. Gates of Vienna: MSM Scrapings vs. Real Reporting Ultimately, the career path at MSM will have to change. Rather than hiring from within, or from...

Restaurant in Zurich

I recently purchased a new Leica MP to replace one that was stolen. Even in this digital age with 8 megapixels and what have you, there is no question that analogue Leica’s take great photos.

Victor Davis Hanson with a great article again

In the brief present window between Iran’s enrichment and its final step to weapons-grade production, we must keep calm and give Ahmadinejad even more rope to hang himself. As his present hysteria grows, exasperated Europeans or jittery neighbors in the region...

Fear, Complexity and Environmental Management in the 21st Century

I have not read one of Michael Crichton’s books, and I realize that he is a controversial figure. But this was a great lecture, and is a valuable antidote to those of us who think that we are smart enough to work out what is happening in the world… Fear,...

Lou Marinoff – Sacred and Profane Extremism

Friend Lou Marinoff on why we need to chose the middle way. A couple of money quotes: On “Mutual Assured Demonisation” Ever since 9/11, an understandable concern among Americans and others is the specter of radioactive materials if not nuclear weapons...

Edward Luttwak – 3 reasons not to bomb Iran – yet.

Edward Luttwak is a family friend and a military expert. I have not yet fully read this article, but I think that it is already bringing me back from a frenzied “bomb the bastards!” Three Reasons Not to Bomb Iran Yet

Mark Steyn – this is an absolute must read

I did not grow up in Western civilization just to see it cravenly capitulate to the forces of darkness. But as Mark Steyn makes clear, that is exactly what we appear to be doing. The last couple of paragraphs: Facing Down Iran by Mark Steyn, City Journal Spring 2006...

A meal to remember with Hezbollah

In this piece about Hezbollah, Michael J. Totten give a chilling insight into what Hezbollah is like to deal with from a western point of view. While its all too familiar to some, I am glad that this is making it into the American media. LA Weekly Thursday night’s...